Saturday, October 10, 2009


If you are thinking that this is another innovative product from Apple, think again because you might have the wrong idea! This is just my name with A, B and H left out.
This is my first blog ever and truly is an intention less article but is more of a motivation to my endless exploration of the Holy ‘e-Space’ or simply the Internet. Hence I have written whatever came up or may be, just popped up on my ever chaotic mind! No, I am no psychopath but a person who’s mind constantly thinks sensibly or insensibly, but none the less, thinks for sure. This is not an effort to highlight myself in any way, but it’s only me and my thoughts laid out humbly before you.

Blogging was something that never really had caught my attention till recently, even though I would pour hours crawling on the Web. Blogging, as I see it, is more of an art, an avenue to express oneself. Every Blogger who may or may not realize, is an author of a paper less book.
Nowadays creativity is talked about so much that people have actually started ignoring it. Any talk on creativity initiates an inner thought like “I’ve heard this before” and usually results in a person land in to confusion or may be, sometimes, jump in to conclusions. All of those who profess on creativity should realize that one cannot force creativity into the mind, but the unbiased and unprejudiced mind itself should be freely flowing with thoughts and the rest is secondary because what follows as result of free thinking is creativity. Now, this is not a session on ideologies or philosophies from me but simply a means to convey that Blogging is a creative expression of one’s thoughts but somehow clearly distinguishing it from an essay.

I particularly like the nights, the juncture at which semi conscious mind of mine, has sunk into the abyss of an ocean of experiences, the moment when everything rolls back, everything good and bad, purposeful and non-purposeful, so on and so forth. These are the times when unanswered questions are answered, and up to some extent, i feel, one can seek the true meaning of life. Although this is an abstract view I am sure that individual experiences from a person to another may vary but it never fails in drawing his/her attention either consciously or sub consciously.
The world is a platform for happenings, you see, things just happen, with control or with chaos, what really matters is how one perceives it and derives a meaning out of it. It all depends on the interpretation of the mind for wars are fought in the minds of men and not on the battlefield. War and peace is inarguably the state of the mind itself. At this point you may feel that this is leading to spirituality but you may reconsider this view since I am only driven by valuable experiences rather than by Ideals.

After all these years I find everything to be divided into two things. Well, let me put it this way: I see myself (TheShek) on one side and the rest of the world (TheWorld), by which I mean everything there exists except yourself, on the other side. TheShek has always known only TheWorld, for whatever TheShek ever knew and ever will know belongs to TheWorld! There is no puzzle to solve with my previous statements, whatever I meant to convey was that one can interpret my statements as a scientific approach as well as an artistic approach to understanding how psychology really works or at least how one interacts with the World. Assuming that up to some extent you agree with my claim, you can think of yourself and the world together forming a system in which actions and reactions are dependent on one another.

Wait! Don’t think too much over whatever I have expressed earlier because you ought to understand that I am putting up a sincere effort to fill up my blog space! But then again it is not completely rubbish (or at least I hope it is not!).
One more thing, my blog isn’t for just any one. But then again you are not just any one! You are the reader who was kind enough to read through my blog without dozing off in the middle.
It so happens that TheShek thought of trying out some interesting things as he has always been interested with trying out things and decided to blog. That was when TheShek came up with iSHEK.